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3. When using the wireless LAN feature of the DJM-A9 Note: The DJM-A9 and an iPad can’t be directly connected without a wireless LAN router. 4. When using only a switching hub 6
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Stagehand features Application screen Screen tabs and the Link icon, Live mode switch, and Application settings button are displayed at the top of the screen. 1. Screen tabs Select a screen to display. 2. Link icon This icon is displayed when Stagehand is connected to the PRO DJ LINK network. 3. Live mode switch Selects whether or not to disable the functions on the Device Control screen so they can’t affect DJ performances. This button can be displayed only in certain settings. See the Application settings section for details on the settings. During DJ performances, turn on the Live mode switch as shown below. コメントの追加 [ 菊地 5]: 指示枠は丸付き数字出ないほ うがよい︖ コメントの追加 [ 坂田 6R5]: 〇付き数字じゃない⽅が良 いです。 7