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Functions usable in combination with a computer About the included CD-ROM This unit can be used in combination with a computer when the software is installed onto the computer from the included CD-ROM. The included CD-ROM contains the following two software programs. rekordbox music management software rekordbox is a software program allowing users who have purchased a Pioneer DJ player supporting rekordbox to manage music files to be used for DJ performances. — rekordbox may be used for classifying and searching for music files stored on your computer as well as creating playlists, all of which can help improve your DJ performance. — rekordbox allows the detecting, measuring, and editing of beats, tempos (BPM), and other elements of your music files prior to a performance. — Hot cue point information can be set and saved ahead of time. Not only can various types of point information and playlists prepared with rekordbox be used for playback on Pioneer DJ players, the playback history and point information can also be fed back to rekordbox after performances. Driver software This driver software is an exclusive ASIO driver for outputting audio signals from the computer. To use this unit connected to a computer on which Windows is installed, install the driver software on the computer beforehand. There is no need to install the driver software when using Mac OS X. For details, see Installing the driver software on page 26. Software end user license agreement This Software End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is between you (both the individual installing the Program and any single legal entity for which the individual is acting) (“You” or “Your”) and PIONEER CORPORATION (“Pioneer”). TAKING ANY STEP TO SET UP OR INSTALL THE PROGRAM MEANS THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. PERMISSION TO DOWNLOAD AND/OR USE THE PROGRAM IS EXPRESSLY CONDITIONED ON YOUR FOLLOWING THESE TERMS. WRITTEN OR ELECTRONIC APPROVAL IS NOT REQUIRED TO MAKE THIS AGREEMENT VALID AND ENFORCEABLE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THE PROGRAM AND MUST STOP INSTALLING IT OR UNINSTALL IT, AS APPLICABLE. 1 DEFINITIONS 1 “Documentation” means written documentation, specifications and help content made generally available by Pioneer to aid in installing and using the Program. 2 “Program” means all or any part of Pioneer’s software licensed to You by Pioneer under this Agreement. 2 PROGRAM LICENSE 1 Limited License. Subject to this Agreement’s restrictions, Pioneer grants to You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, license (without the right to sublicense): a To install a single copy of the Program in Your computer or mobile device, to use the Program only for Your personal pur- pose complying with this Agreement and the Documentation (“Authorized Use”); b To use the Documentation in support of Your Authorized Use; and c To make one copy of the Program solely for backup pur- poses, provided that all titles and trademark, copyright and restricted rights notices are reproduced on the copy. 6 En 2 Restrictions. You will not copy or use the Program or Documentation except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. You will not transfer, sublicense, rent, lease or lend the Program, or use it for third-party training, commercial time-sharing or service bureau use. You will not Yourself or through any third party modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Program, except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law, and then only after You have notified Pioneer in writing of Your intended activities. 3 Ownership. Pioneer or its licensor retains all right, title and interest in and to all patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other intellectual property rights in the Program and Documentation, and any derivative works thereof. You do not acquire any other rights, express or implied, beyond the limited license set forth in this Agreement. 4 No Support. Pioneer has no obligation to provide support, maintenance, upgrades, modifications or new releases for the Program or Documentation under this Agreement. 3 WARRANTY DISCLAIMER THE PROGRAM AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, AND YOU AGREE TO USE THEM AT YOUR SOLE RISK. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, PIONEER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE PROGRAM AND DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, ACCURACY, TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. 4 DAMAGES AND REMEDIES FOR BREACH You agree that any breach of this Agreement’s restrictions would cause Pioneer irreparable harm for which money damages alone would be inadequate. In addition to damages and any other remedies to which Pioneer may be entitled, You agree that Pioneer may seek injunctive relief to prevent the actual, threatened or continued breach of this Agreement. 5 TERMINATION Pioneer may terminate this Agreement at any time upon Your breach of any provision. If this Agreement is terminated, You will stop using the Program, permanently delete it from your computer or mobile device where it resides, and destroy all copies of the Program and Documentation in Your possession, confirming to Pioneer in writing that You have done so. Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will continue in effect after this Agreement’s termination. 6 GENERAL TERMS 1 Limitation of Liability. In no event will Pioneer or its subsidiaries be liable in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter, under any theory of liability, for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or damages for lost profits, revenue, business, savings, data, use, or cost of substitute pro- curement, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. In no event will Pioneer’s liability for all damages exceed the amounts actually paid by You to Pioneer or its subsidiaries for the Program. The parties acknowl- edge that the liability limits and risk allocation in this Agreement are reflected in the Program price and are essential elements of the bargain between the parties, without which Pioneer would not have provided the Program or entered into this Agreement. 2 The limitations or exclusions of warranties and liability contained in this Agreement do not affect or prejudice Your statutory rights as consumer and shall apply to You only to the extent such limita- tions or exclusions are permitted under the laws of the jurisdic- tion where You are located. 3 Severability and Waiver. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the extent possible or, if incapable of enforce- ment, deemed to be severed and deleted from this Agreement, and the remainder will continue in full force and effect. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement will not waive any other or subsequent default or breach. 4 No Assignment. You may not assign, sell, transfer, delegate or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any rights or obligations

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Before you start under it, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, without Pioneer’s prior written consent. Any pur- ported assignment, transfer or delegation by You will be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties and their respec- tive successors and assigns. 5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agree- ment between the parties and supersedes all prior or contem- poraneous agreements or representations, whether written or oral, concerning its subject matter. This Agreement may not be modified or amended without Pioneer’s prior and express written consent, and no other act, document, usage or custom will be deemed to amend or modify this Agreement. 6 You agree that this Agreement shall be governed and construed by and under the laws of Japan. Cautions on copyrights rekordbox restricts playback and duplication of copyright-protected music contents. ! When coded data, etc., for protecting the copyright is embedded in the music contents, it may not be possible to operate the program normally. ! When rekordbox detects that coded data, etc., for protecting the copyright is embedded in the music contents, processing (playback, reading, etc.) may stop. Recordings you have made are for your personal enjoyment and accord- ing to copyright laws may not be used without the consent of the copy- right holder. ! Music recorded from CDs, etc., is protected by the copyright laws of individual countries and by international treaties. It is the full respon- sibility of the person who has recorded the music to ensure that it is used legally. ! When handling music downloaded from the Internet, etc., it is the full responsibility of the person who has downloaded the music to ensure that it is used in accordance with the contract concluded with the download site. Cautions on installing rekordbox Read Software end user license agreement carefully before installing rekordbox. ! The included CD-ROM contains installation programs and operating instructions in the following 12 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (simplified characters), Chinese (traditional char- acters), Korean, Japanese. ! When using an operating system in any language besides the ones listed above, select [ English ] during the installation procedure. Supported operating systems Mac OS X (10.5.8, 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8) 1 Windows ® 8/Windows ® 8 Pro 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows ® 7 Home Premium/Professional/Ultimate 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows Vista ® Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/ 32-bit version 1 Ultimate (SP2 or later) 64-bit version 1 Windows ® XP Home Edition/Professional (SP3 or later) 32-bit version 1 The latest information on rekordbox (supported operating systems, required operating environment, etc.) is provided on the rekordbox online support site. (Page 8) Minimum operating environment for rekordbox Check that the computer provides the operating environment described below before starting installation. CPU For Mac OS X For Windows ® 8, Windows ® 7, Windows Vista ® and Windows ® XP Macintosh computer equipped with a Dual- Core 1.6 GHz or greater Intel ® processor PC/AT compatible computer equipped with a Dual-Core 2.0 GHz or greater Intel ® processor Required memory 1 GB or more of RAM Hard disk 250 MB or more of free space (not including space for storing music files, etc.) Optical drive Optical disc drive on which the CD-ROM can be read Sound Audio output to speakers, headphones, etc. (internal or external audio device) Internet connection For user registration and inquiries, use a web browser supporting 128-bit SSL (Safari 2.0 or greater, Internet Explorer ® 6.0 or greater, etc.). USB port A USB port for connection of a USB device (flash memory, hard disc, etc.) is required to transfer music files to the USB device. ! Full functionality is not guaranteed on all computers, even those meeting the operating environment requirements described above. ! Even with the required memory capacity indicated for the operating environment above, in the cases described below the software may not provide full function- ality and performance due to lack of memory. In this case, take the necessary measures to ensure sufficient free memory. We recommend adding extra memory in order to achieve stable performance. — When there are many tracks being managed in the rekordbox library — When resident programs and services are running ! Depending on the computer’s power settings and other factors, the CPU and hard disk processing capacity may be insufficient. When using laptop comput- ers in particular, always keep the AC power connected and adjust the com- puter’s settings to maximize performance when using rekordbox. ! Note that problems may arise with the functionality of rekordbox depending on other software running on your computer. Installing rekordbox Read Cautions on installing rekordbox carefully before installing rekordbox. Installation procedure (Macintosh) ! Authorization of the computer’s administrator is required to install and uninstall rekordbox. Log on as the user which was set as the computer’s administrator before installing. 1 When the included CD-ROM is inserted into the computer’s CD drive, the CD drive opens on the screen. Double-click the [] icon. ! If the CD drive does not open on the screen when the CD-ROM is inserted, use Finder to open the CD drive, then double-click the [ ] icon. X.X.X En 7
