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(a) (5) (2007). The U.S. Government’s rights with respect to the Program and Documentations are limited by this license pursuant to 48 C.F.R. § 12.212 (Computer software) (1995) and 48 C.F.R. §12.211 (Technical data) (1995) and/or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-3, as applicable. As such, the Program and Documentations are being licensed to the U.S. Government end users: (a) only as “commercial items” as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. §2.101 generally and as incorporated in DFAR 212.102; and (b) with only those limited rights as are granted to the public pursuant to this license. Under no circumstance will the U.S. Government or its end users be granted any greater rights than we grant to other users, as provided for in this license. Manufacturer is Pioneer Corporation, 1-1 Shin-Ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-Ken, 212-0031 Japan 6 DAMAGES AND REMEDIES FOR BREACH You agree that any breach of this Agreement’s restrictions would cause Pioneer irreparable harm for which money damages alone would be inadequate. In addition to damages and any other remedies to which Pioneer may be entitled, You agree that Pioneer may seek injunctive relief to prevent the actual, threatened or continued breach of this Agreement. 7 TERMINATION Pioneer may terminate this Agreement at any time upon Your breach of any provision. If this Agreement is terminated, You will stop using the Program, permanently delete it from your computer or mobile device where it resides, and destroy all copies of the Program and Documentation in Your possession, confirming to Pioneer in writing that You have done so. Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 will continue in effect after this Agreement’s termination. 8 GENERAL TERMS 1 Limitation of Liability. In no event will Pioneer or its subsidiaries be liable in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter, under any theory of liability, for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or damages for lost profits, revenue, business, savings, data, use, or cost of substitute pro- curement, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. In no event will Pioneer’s liability for all damages exceed the amounts actually paid by You to Pioneer or its subsidiaries for the Program. The parties acknowl- edge that the liability limits and risk allocation in this Agreement are reflected in the Program price and are essential elements of the bargain between the parties, without which Pioneer would not have provided the Program or entered into this Agreement. 2 The limitations or exclusions of warranties and liability contained in this Agreement do not affect or prejudice Your statutory rights as consumer and shall apply to You only to the extent such limita- tions or exclusions are permitted under the laws of the jurisdic- tion where You are located. 3 Severability and Waiver. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the extent possible or, if incapable of enforce- ment, deemed to be severed and deleted from this Agreement, and the remainder will continue in full force and effect. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement will not waive any other or subsequent default or breach. 4 No Assignment. You may not assign, sell, transfer, delegate or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any rights or obligations under it, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, without Pioneer’s prior written consent. Any pur- ported assignment, transfer or delegation by You will be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties and their respec- tive successors and assigns. 5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agree- ment between the parties and supersedes all prior or contem- poraneous agreements or representations, whether written or oral, concerning its subject matter. This Agreement may not be modified or amended without Pioneer’s prior and express written consent, and no other act, document, usage or custom will be deemed to amend or modify this Agreement. 6 You agree that this Agreement shall be governed and construed by and under the laws of Japan. Installing the driver software This driver software is a proprietary program for inputting and output- ting audio signals from the computer. To use this unit connected to a computer on which a Windows or Mac OS is installed, install the driver software on the computer beforehand. Checking the latest information on the driver software For information on the latest version of the driver software, see the Pioneer DJ support site below. Cautions on Installation ! Before installing the driver software, be sure to turn off the power of this unit and disconnect the USB cable from both this unit and your computer. ! If you connect this unit to your computer without installing the driver software first, an error may occur on your computer depending on the system environment. ! If you have discontinued the installation process in progress, step through the installation process again from the beginning according to the following procedure. ! Read Software end user license agreement carefully before installing this unit’s proprietary driver software. ! Before installing the driver software, terminate all other programs running on your computer. ! The driver software is compatible with the following OSs. Supported operating systems Mac OS X 10.6 / 10.7 / 10.8 1 Windows ® 8/Windows ® 8 Pro 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows ® 7 Home Premium/Professional/Ultimate 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows Vista ® Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/ Ultimate 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 ! Operation is not guaranteed when multiple units of the RMX-500 are connected to a single computer. Installation Procedure (Windows) Read Cautions on Installation carefully before installing the driver software. ! To install or uninstall the driver software, you need to be authorized by the administrator of your computer. Log on as the administrator of your computer before proceeding with the installation. 1 Click [Software Download] under [RMX-500] on the Pioneer DJ support site. 2 Click [Driver Software]. 3 From the download page, download the driver software for Windows (RMX-500_X.XXX.exe). 4 Double-click the downloaded file. The driver installation screen appears. 5 When the language selection screen appears, select [English] and click [OK]. ! You can select the one you desire from multiple languages as long as the language is supported by the system environment of your computer. 6 Carefully read the Software end user license agreement and if you consent to the provisions, put a check mark in [I agree.] and click [OK]. If you do not consent to the provisions of the Software end user license agreement , click [ Cancel ] and stop installation. 4 En
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Before start 7 Proceed with installation according to the instructions on the screen. If [ Windows Security ] appears on the screen while the installation is in progress, click [ Install this driver software anyway ] and continue with the installation. ! When the installation program is completed, a completion message appears. Installation procedure (Mac OS X) Read Cautions on Installation carefully before installing the driver software. ! To install or uninstall the driver software, you need to be authorized by the administrator of your computer. Have the name and password of the administrator of your computer ready in advance. 1 Click [Software Download] under [RMX-500] on the Pioneer DJ support site. 2 Click [Driver Software]. 3 From the download page, download the driver software for Mac OS (RMX-500_M_X.X.X.dmg). 4 Double-click the downloaded file. The [ RMX-500_AudioDriver ] menu screen appears. 5 Double-click [RMX-500_AudioDriver.pkg]. The driver installation screen appears. 6 Check the details on the screen and click [Continue Anyway]. 7 When the end user license agreement appears, read Software end user license agreement carefully, then click [Continue Anyway]. 8 If you consent to the provisions of the Software end user license agreement , click [Agree]. If you do not consent to the provisions of the Software end user license agreement , click [ Disagree ] and stop installation. 9 Proceed with installation according to the instructions on the screen. ! Click [ Cancel ] to cancel installation after it has started. Installing RMX-500 Plug-in This software is a plug-in for enabling functions of the RMX-500 to be used on music creation applications. In order to use this software, the plug-in must be running on a host application that supports the plug-in (VST, Audio Units or RTAS ® ). ! A computer equipped with an Intel ® Core ™ 1.4 GHz or greater CPU is recommended for using this software. ! Use a computer on which the host application operates stably. ! For the operating requirements of the host application, see your host application’s operating instructions or website. Checking the latest information about the RMX-500 Plug-in For up-to-date RMX-500 Plug-in information, see the Pioneer DJ support site below. Cautions on Installation ! If installation of this software has been interrupted, start installation over from the beginning following the procedure below. ! Read Software end user license agreement carefully before installing this software. ! Quit any other programs that may be running on the computer before installing this software. ! This software is supported on the operating systems below. Supported operating systems Windows ® 8/Windows ® 8 Pro 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows Windows ® 7 Home Premium/ Professional/Ultimate (SP1 or later) 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Windows Vista ® Home Basic/ 32-bit version 1 Home Premium/Business/Ultimate (SP2 or later) 64-bit version 1 Mac OS X 10.8 64-bit version 1 Intel Mac Mac OS X 10.7 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 Mac OS X 10.6 32-bit version 1 64-bit version 1 ! Operation is not guaranteed when multiple units of the RMX-500 are connected to a single computer. About the installation procedure (Windows and Mac OS X) Read Cautions on Installation carefully before installing this software. ! Authorization of the computer’s administrator is required to install and uninstall this software. Log on as the user which was set as the computer’s administrator before installing. 1 Click [Software Download] under [RMX-500] on the Pioneer DJ support site. 2 Click [RMX-500 Plug-in]. 3 Download RMX-500 Plug-in for Windows, or RMX-500 Plug-in for Mac OS from the download page. 4 Double-click the downloaded file. The RMX-500 Plug-in installation screen appears. 5 When the language selection screen appears, select [English] and click [OK]. ! You can select the one you desire from multiple languages as long as the language is supported by the system environment of your computer. 6 When the license agreement screen appears, read the Software end user license agreement carefully. If you agree to the Software end user license agreement , click [Agree]. ! If you do not consent to the provisions of the Software end user license agreement , click [ Disagree ] and stop installation. 7 Follow the instructions on the screen to install this software. ! Click [ Cancel ] to cancel installation after it has started. ! For Windows, specify the folder containing the host application’s VST plug-in as the location for installing the VST plug-in. ! If the plug-in is installed according to default settings, files are placed in the following folders. — Mac OS X VST:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ AU:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ RTAS:/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/ — 32-bit version of Windows VST:\Program Files\Pioneer\RMX-500 Plug-in RTAS:\Program Files\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\Plug-Ins — 64-bit version of Windows VST:\Program Files (x86)\Pioneer\RMX-500 Plug-in RTAS:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\ Plug-Ins En 5